The picture below to the left is me. In this picture I am 53 years old. The picture below on the right is also me. I am about 3 years old. In those 50 years I have had many important educational experiences, both formal and informal, that shaped who I am. School was more than just an important place for me to learn and grow, it actually was a lifesaver and I am forever grateful to my parents for making the choice they did in sending me to my school.
Did I always have amazing and inspiring teachers? Absolutely not. Some were extraordinary and some were mediocre, even poor. But the overall culture of the school was so thoughtful and substantive that the actual education was breathed in the air and lived in the hallways and classrooms every single day. The education was bigger than just a math class or an English project or an art program. The school itself shaped me, supported me, challenged me, and inspired me to live a life of meaning and purpose.
My goal is to work with schools to help shape, support, challenge and inspire so that your students experience the richness of your school's vital mission every single day.
I loved working with Jason Ablin because what started as a mentorship about education became a mentorship about life, purpose, and human growth - what education is actually meant to be.
Ari Schwartzberg - Director:The Shalhevet Institute
With close to 30 years in education and educational leadership, Jason Ablin has served as a teacher, principal and head of school. He holds national certification in leadership coaching and mentoring from the National Association of School Principals and has been supporting and mentoring new leaders throughout the country over 10 years. Jason has also developed curriculum and strategic planning to train young and upcoming leaders at all levels of primary and secondary schools in order to ensure excellence in schools and to rethink the development of leadership.
In 2008, in a sabbatical year, he also partnered with top developmental psychology and cognitive neuroscience researchers to bring research findings into the classroom and education. He has written for the prestigious journal, Mind, Brain and Education, about the research findings of Professor Mary Helen Immordino Yang of USC who examined the impact of two boys who received functional hemispherectomies and its impact on their capacity to learn.
As a lecturer at American Jewish University’s programs for teacher training and advanced master’s degrees in education and in school-based teacher workshops, he trains teachers on creating gender aware classrooms and has also taught year-long courses to teams of educators in schools as well as graduate level seminars regarding the relationship between cognitive neuroscience and education. He is also the Director of AJU's Mentor Teacher Training Program.
Jason Ablin now lives in Los Angeles with his wife and two daughters..